We have talked with Luca about his project;
1. Hi Luca, tell us when you have started musical career?
I started my musical journey playing piano at an early age but I was really fascinated by the sound of the electric guitar so ,at 12, there I was learning all the stuff from the records.
2. What is the genre of your sound?
I listened and studied all the great blues and rock and roll guitarists that influenced the late sixties british music scene.
I also was into the classical world since I was very young, thanks to my mum who took me to all the theatres to listen to all the great composers' masterpieces.
Growing up, I listened to everything I liked musically enlarging my overall musical direction, I believe if something is good is good, it could be anything really.
3. What is the source of inspiration for the songwriting?
My musical vision is 360°, from Indian to Be Bop, Metal to Bluegrass or Country...
4. What is the guitar brand that you prefer? and how is your technical equipment for the concert?
I'm pretty much stucked with Fenders. Every guitar is different really and really I try to use very little effects, My way is: the simpler the better. Just my guitar, a good amp and maybe an overdrive pedal (the older the better), That's it. Less headaches and more fun, live. In the studio, I also like recording dry, then you can add up anything really, depending on what you are doing or what the producer wants. Shit, I forgot, I like Marshalls but I'm quite open minded... if it sounds good, fuck it, I'll have it.

Of course!!! Atma Anur was, is and will always be an inspiration for me. I really tend to enjoy listening to drummers as I reckon the drums, the groove, the rhythm is basic and so most important when playin'/recording.
Atma has got it all: energy, groove. He's a really m.f., musically speaking I mean and a great friend also. More power to him.
Piero Trevisan also did a fantastic job and I'm glad to have choosen him to lay down the bass parts on all the elecrtic tracks.
6. Your ALBUM "Mad for it" will be promoted in international media, what are your expectations?
I always try to look at the half-full glass, not the half empty.
7. Some video channels have shared your official video clips "Hacipaci Boogie" and "C.T.P.", which reached thousands of views, how important is this media opportunity?
It's just great and I personally thank everybody that supported me and shared my videos.
8. We know you have lived for years in England, have you played with Cozy Powell and Neil Murray?
I lived in the U.K., mostly in London, from 1989 to 2006. I was lucky enough to play with so many good musicians and everyday has been a learning process for me. Still it is and hopefully will be. Answering your question I
was in "Driveshaft" from 1989 to 1991, being signed to R.A.K. Records and having as manager Brenda Brooker (Mystery Music Ltd). That's past and it's gone, it's for you to find out... I try to focus on "here and now".
9. To promote the record are you planning a live tour? Will you play in some important festivals?
I'm actually involved in many projects, both live than in the studio. If there is a chance to play I will always grab it. Music comes first, always.
10. I would like to have your own point of view about the poor sales of the CD's, it's caused by the internet? technological development? or it's changed the mentality of the fans?
This is a very good question, and I will try to answer it cutting a long story short. "We used to go out and look at albums, at sleeves. Now, you download song for 99 pences or euros. You can download song for free. It can be a nightmare with all this technology. Still I reckon it will be impossible to go back to the old days, so a combination would just be great. Let the music be your master and do not be a slave of the machine!!!
Technology does not change a nation, it's a new way of doing things".
11. How do you think about the international rock music scene? and the scene in your country?
I won't answer to this..., I do not like uneven numbers (sometimes I do)...
12. Tell us a few funny anecdotes, in the past?
All right then, I'll give you one story. Once, back in the early 90s, I had to play a famous instrumental track for the annual gig at the Guitar Institute in Acton (West London). There was a part where you had to position yourself in order to get the right amount of feedback from the amp... So, as usual, I had the poor amp turned up to 10... I did get the feedback alright but I also blew the fucking amp in the middle of the song... The thing was that there was no backup amp. So the gig had to stop in order to get another amp!!! I tend to blow 4/5 heads per year! Guess I'm useless when it comes to manual work.
*Pic courtesy by Alex Ruffini and Remi Real Rock
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